
psychotherapy for the whole family

about me

Dr. Lorenz Feinhart


Hello, my name is Dr. Lorenz Feinhart. I am a European psychotherapist from Hungary with many years of experience in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy. My practice focuses on unlocking my patients' mysterious thinking patterns, using my intuition and attention to detail to help them discover paths to psychological well-being.

I uniquely integrate art and music into the process of self-expression and healing. My approach also includes exploring the impact of culture on mental health. I actively participate in European congresses on psychotherapy to enrich my knowledge and support patients to new levels of understanding.

My love for psychotherapy is expressed through the use of art, music and group therapy to achieve profound transformation. I also introduce modern technologies, making the treatment process more accessible and effective. I will be glad to help you unlock your potential and find inner resources to overcome life's difficulties.



A Symphony of Chemistry: The Art of Synthesizing Dextroamphetamine
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In the vast tapestry of pharmacology, few compounds possess the
BMK Glycidate: A Key Intermediate in the Illicit Synthesis of Controlled Substances
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Introduction: BMK Glycidate, also known as Methyl 3-oxo-2-phenylbutyrate, has garnered
PMK Glycidate: A Versatile Canvas for Organic Synthesis Masterpieces
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Introduction: This article immerses itself in the world of PMK